ACES Shout-Outs

Here are our ACES shout-outs for this week:

Mrs. Chamberlain has the following shout-outs:
A shout-out to our MS intervention specialists as they begin to test students. Thank you for your dedication and work in making sure these students have the best opportunity to be their best. Thank you to the staff who is being flexible as we start the testing process with these students.

A shout-out to Mrs. Shock as she helps keep track of our holding area students and all of the help she does with the entire testing process. You are a huge help and blessing!

A shout-out to Mrs. Zuber and Mrs. Dawn Van Horn for being in charge of our holding area for students, being so positive with all of those students, and working hard to keep track of everyone. We appreciate all that you do to help us during the testing season. 🙂

Bus driver, Teresa Evans would like to give a shout-out to Khalin Hilty. After watching everyone else walk past a new student, he was a gentleman and stepped up to help the new student. Thank you, Khalin!

Mrs. Andrea Diehl’s class would like to give a shout-out to Paula Campbell for the delicious treat for their class this week. Thank you for your support!

The third grade teachers would like to give a HUGE shout-out to all of the third graders for rocking the state tests in reading this week! You have worked so hard. Also a BIG SHOUT-OUT for all of the staff that have helped with the testing this week. Thank you for making our testing week run so smoothly!

Mrs. Haggerty has the following shout-outs:
A huge shout-out to all of the 3rd and 4th graders who worked so hard prepping for their state tests and then did their best to show that they know! She is so proud of each and every student who worked hard, showed their best effort, and rocked it out this week!

A shout-out to all of the teachers who are trying their best to teach these kiddos everything they need to know, inside and outside of the classroom, because we all know that learning doesn’t stop at the classroom doors! (Life skills, the Hicksville Essentials, and any lessons that may and probably will assist those kiddos out in the real world!)

A big shout-out to the 4th grade team for always making sure we are laughing and enjoying this job, even on the stressful weeks! You make coming to “work” something she truly looks forward to!

Mrs. Stuckey has the following shout-outs:
A shout-out to the sophomore class for selling so many Rise N Roll donuts!

A shout-out to Roxie and Bob Timbrook and Kevin Stuckey for helping with a giant delivery of donuts.

A shout-out and thanks to Cynthia VanScoder, Melissa Crawford and the parent crew who helped count and distribute donuts.

A shout-out and thanks to Eric Bassett and his crew who set up the tables and helped take them down.

A shout-out to Mrs. Zuber’s study hall class Mr. Smith’s strength class. Big muscles were needed to lift all of those donuts. It takes a village and there is none better than Hicksville. Thank you!!

Ms. Weller would like to give a shout-out to Lisa Savage, Mindy Trzynka, and Karri Diehl for helping out so much during 3rd grade testing week! They went above and beyond to make sure all student in 2nd grade had what they needed to stay successful!

Have a blessed holiday weekend and keep making a difference.