Hicksville Exempted Village Schools

Regular Meeting of the Board of Education

October 21, 2019


The Hicksville Exempted Village Schools Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, October 21, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Room.  The meeting was opened by President, Minda Jones, with the following Board members answering roll call:  Jennifer Caryer, Minda Jones, Craig Eiden, Stephanie Mazur, and Galen Methvin.

The following items were discussed by the building Principals.

Elementary School – Kirsten Coffman

  • Middle School musical rehearsals currently taking place – tickets will be available online to purchase
  • Fall state testing will begin the week of October 21st  for the 3rd Grade guarantee
  • Held a Middle School Math professional development day on September 26th due to other schools wanting to see our report card success.
  • Is urging Middle School students to play sports and other activities
  • Reviewed gifted scores
  • Mentioned the upcoming Veteran’s Day assembly on November 11th
  • Thanked those who participated with homecoming activities
  • Discussed recently attended OASAA seminar
  • Discussed graduation rates
  • IEP student exemptions
  • Tracking graduation pathways
  • Foreign exchange students
  • Upcoming end of 1st quarter

Middle School – Andy Hunter


High School – Jeff Slattery

The following items were discussed by Keith Countryman, Superintendent.


  • Mr. Countryman attended the monthly NBHP, NBEC, and Superintendent meetings.
  • Mr. Countryman attended the school report card meeting at BASA.
  • A grant in the amount of $7,775.00 was awarded from the NRA.  This grant will be used to provide shatterproof door film.
  • Informed the school board that Dennis Vetter’s term at Four Country Career Center will expire at the end of the year.  The board expressed interest for

Mr. Vetter to continue his service for the next three year term.



Stephanie Mazur moved and Galen Methvin seconded the motion to approve the following consent agenda.


Roll call:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Galen Methvin. 


Jennifer Caryer moved and Craig Eiden seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


  1. Minutes from the regular board meeting on September 16, 2019.
  2. Recommend to waive the reading of the board minutes unless otherwise stated.

         3.     Treasurer’s Report                           


                  a.      Cash Reconciliations as of September 2019.

                  b.      Financial Statements for September 2019.

      c.     Approve Amended Official Certificate of Estimated Resources for 

Fiscal Year 2020 as presented, total General Fund Resources of    $13,329,157.45 and total Resources for all funds of $20,097,125.01

d.     Approve Fiscal Year 2020 Amended Permanent Appropriations as                           presented, total General Fund Appropriations of $10,811,466.23 and                         total Appropriations for all funds of $14,506,900.52

e.     Approve 6th Grade Camp Purpose Statement and Budget for 

       Fiscal Year 2020 as presented.

f.      Approve the following Then and Now Certificates:

P.O. #






Cotterman & Co.



Upgrade to 20 Year Roof Warranty


Gordon Food



Food and Supplies


Gordon Food



Food and Supplies





2019 Yearbook


Final Forms



Fiscal Year 2020  Online Registrations

         4.     Accept the following donations:

                           $  100.00 from Lifeline Connect Baptist Church for Girls Basketball

                           $  100.00 from Bobbie Jean Eyers for Girls Basketball          

                           $  300.00 from Dr. Robert & Janet Ramus for S.T.E.A.M.

                           $1000.00 from Ohio State Eagles for 10,000 Shot Club

Roll call:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Galen Methvin. 

Mr. Ruen noted that the Auditor of State is performing an SERS/STRS audit at a total cost of $820.00 ($410.00 for each retirement system.



Jennifer Caryer moved and Galen Methvin seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


  • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contracts for the             2019-2020 school year.    
  • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contracts for the             2019-2020 school year.  
  • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contracts for the             2019-2020 school year.  
  • Recommend to approve the following as volunteers for the 2019-2020 school year. 
  • Recommend to authorize the Superintendent to grant approval for teams involved in overnight state tournaments for fall, winter, and spring sporting
  • Recommend to approve the wrestling team to attend the following overnight match. 
  • Recommend to approve the following new/revised Board of Education Bylaws/Policies:
  • Recommend to reclassify roof repair payment in the amount of $35,990.10 from the general fund to the permanent improvement fund.


                                          Dave Blue – Head Girls Track Coach

                                          Andrew Lawrence – Head Softball Coach

                                          Paul Payne – Head Boys Track Coach


Roll call:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Galen Methvin. 


Craig Eiden moved and Galen Methvin seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


                                          Tim Shock – Head Baseball Coach


Roll call:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, and Galen Methvin.  

Stephanie Mazur abstained.

Stephanie Mazur moved and Jennifer Caryer seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.



                                          John Haggerty – Girls Mini-Aces Basketball Coach

                                          Corey Johnsonbaugh – Mat Stat Advisor

                                          Jeff Ruoff – Mini-Aces Wrestling Coach   


                                          Natalie Briskey – Girls Basketball 

                                          Robert Bailey Tear – Boys Basketball

Roll call:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Galen Methvin. 

Jennifer Caryer moved and Craig Eiden seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


                  January 24, 2020 – January 25, 2020 @ Lima

                                          0147 – Compensation

                                          1310 – Employment of the Treasurer

                                          1340 – Non-Reemployment of the Treasurer

                                          1615 – Use of Tobacco by Administrators

                                          2431 – Interscholastic Athetics

                                          3215 – Use of Tobacco by Professional Staff

                                          4215 – Use of Tobacco by Classified Staff

                                          5113.02 – School Choice Options

                                          5200 – Attendance

                                          5350 – Student Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

                                          5460 -  Graduation Requirements

                                          5512 – Use of Tobacco

                                          7300 – Disposition of Real Property/Personal Property

                                          7434 – Use of Tobacco on School Premises

                                          8462 – Student Abuse and Neglect

                                          8500 – Food Services


Roll call:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Galen Methvin. 






Craig Eiden moved and Jennifer Caryer seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.

Roll call:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Galen Methvin. 


A discussion was held on the following items.

  • Hall of Fame will be discussed with the Athletic Boosters at an upcoming meeting on October 24th
  • A building update was discussed.  The architects are working on renderings and cost proposals.  The next meeting is scheduled on November 7th.
  • OSBA Capital Conference



Stephanie Mazur moved and Craig Eiden seconded the motion to adjourn this meeting until the next regular board meeting to be held on Monday, November 18, 2019 at 

5:30 p.m. in the Community Room. 


Roll call:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Galen Methvin.




_____________________________________    _____________________________________

                  Board President                                                       Treasurer