Hicksville Exempted Village Schools

Regular Meeting of the Board of Education

November 18, 2019


The Hicksville Exempted Village Schools Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, November 18, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Room.  The meeting was opened by President, Minda Jones, with the following Board members answering roll call:  Jennifer Caryer, Minda Jones, Craig Eiden, Stephanie Mazur, and Galen Methvin.



Phil Nofziger and Rick Straley, representing LifeWise Academy gave a short presentation.  They would like to partnership with the school to provide 

non-denominational religious instructions to students.  There are three requirements for this partnership to be legal:  1) Privately funded, 2) must take place off school property, 3) must be voluntary with parental permission.



Jeff Shaffer – Technology Director

  • The projector in the Commons in over 10 years old, and has been getting very dim.  He will be researching options and costs associated with replacing or upgrading equipment.
  • He recently attended the Ron Clark Academy, along with 5 other instructors.
  • Tickets are available online to purchase for the Middle School musical Frozen, Jr., to be held this coming weekend
  • He announced that Mrs. Heather Taylor was the Teacher of the Quarter
  • He spoke in more detail about the Ron Clark Academy
  • 1st quarter ended October 25th
  • Veteran’s Day assembly was well received, with over 100 in attendance
  • Fall testing retakes
  • Doing a great job reaching out to our students
  • Four County Career Center offers some satellite courses
  • They are in good financial condition at this time.
  • Would like to give a shout out to those involved with the Veteran’s Day
  • The school originally had grant money to fund the Ron Clark Academy program
  • The first calamity day was November 12th due to snowy conditions.
  • Held an in-service on November 13th.  The Defiance County Sheriff office and Hicksville Police Chief spoke about ongoing drug issues.  A discussion was held regarding a school lockdown.  Later that morning, they assisted with a lockdown drill, after students began the school day.
  • The solar field is currently under construction, with no cost to the school.
  • A construction meeting was held on November 13th.
  • The board members are invited for snacks provided by Mr. Nathan Ferrell and students, prior to the next board meeting on December 16th at 5:00 p.m.



The following items were discussed by the building Principals.

Middle School – Andy Hunter


High School – Jeff Slattery



The following items were discussed by Mr. Slattery regarding Four County Career Center.




The following items were discussed by Keith Countryman, Superintendent.


Craig Eiden moved and Jennifer Caryer seconded the motion to approve the following consent agenda.


Roll call:  Ayes – Craig Eiden, Jennifer Caryer, Stephanie Mazur, Galen Methvin, and Minda Jones.  Motion Carried 5-0.



Jennifer Caryer moved and Galen Methvin seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


  1. Minutes from the regular board meeting on October 21, 2019.
  2. Recommend to waive the reading of the board minutes unless otherwise stated.


         3.     Treasurer’s Report                           


      a.   Approve Cash Reconciliation as of October 2019

b.   Approve Financial Statements for October 2019

c.   Approve Amended Official Certificate of Estimated Resources for Fiscal Year 2020 as presented, total General Fund Resources of $13,337,132.45 and total Resources for all funds of $20,228,143.89.

d.   Approve Fiscal Year 2020 Amended Permanent Appropriations as presented, total General Fund Appropriations of $10,842,798.67 and total Appropriations for all funds of $14,599,800.88.


         4.     Accept the following donations:

                           $  125.00 from Parent Teacher Organization for Grade 4 Math

                           $  272.76 from Tim Turnbull for Student of the Month Quarter Luncheon

                           $  400.00 from Johns Manville for House Initiatives

                           $  500.00 from Parent Teacher Organization for Literacy Night

                           $  745.00 from Two Bandits Brewing Company LLC for House Initiatives

Roll call:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Galen Methvin, Craig Eiden, Stephanie Mazur, and Minda Jones.  Motion Carried 5-0.  

Stephanie Mazur moved and Craig Eiden seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


  • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2019-2020 school year.   
  • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2019-2020 school year.  
  • Recommend to approve the following as volunteers for the 2019-2020 school year. 
  • Recommend to approve the classified salary schedule, retroactive from July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2022, as presented.


                                          Sandi Brown – Land Lab Coordinator  

                                          Elaine Gerken – High School Musical Director

                                          Zach Kohlmeier – Extra Band (Pep Band-Winter)

                                          Emily Rodesh – Extra Vocal Duties


Roll call:  Ayes – Stephanie Mazur, Craig Eiden, Jennifer Caryer, Galen Methvin, and Minda Jones.  Motion Carried 5-0.

Jennifer Caryer moved and Galen Methvin seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.



                        Jennifer Bergman – High School Musical Director Assistant

                                          Gabe Inkrott – Archery Director 

                                          Amanda Ridgway – Co-Prom Advisor

                                          Pam Slattery – Elementary Yearbook Advisor

                                          Jay Sowles –  Head Jr. High Wrestling Coach                                 

                                          Gini Turnbull – Co-Prom Advisor


                                          Scott Ruppert - Archery 


Roll call:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Galen Methvin, Craig Eiden, Stephanie Mazur, and Minda Jones.  Motion Carried 5-0.


Jennifer Caryer moved and Stephanie Mazur seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.



Roll call:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Stephanie Mazur, Craig Eiden, Galen Methvin, and

Minda Jones.  Motion Carried 5-0.

A discussion was held on the following items.

  • Those who attended the OSBA Conference discussed presentations attended regarding leadership, the education of the whole child, females in grades 4-12, soft skills, differentiated teacher professional development, strategic plans, school funding, staff absences and IT vendors. 
  • Treasurer presented five-year forecast
  • Discussed academic/athletic construction project

Jennifer Caryer moved and Stephanie Mazur seconded the motion to adjourn this meeting until the work session meeting to be held immediately following.  


Roll call:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Stephanie Mazur, Craig Eiden, Galen Methvin, and Minda Jones.  Motion Carried 5-0.  Time 7:01 p.m.  




_____________________________________    _____________________________________

                       Board President                                                     Treasurer




Hicksville Exempted Village Schools

Work Session Meeting of the Board of Education

November 18, 2019


The Hicksville Exempted Village Schools Board of Education met in work session on Monday, November 18, 2019 at 7:10 p.m. in the Community Room.  The meeting was opened by President, Minda Jones, with the following Board members answering roll call:  Jennifer Caryer, Minda Jones, Craig Eiden, Stephanie Mazur, and Galen Methvin.


A discussion was held on various items with no action taken.  Items of discussion included the structure of Board work sessions, such as frequency, topics, etc.  The academic/athletic construction project was discussed as well as District finances.


Stephanie Mazur moved and Craig Eiden seconded the motion to adjourn this meeting until the work session meeting to be held on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at 

5:30 p.m. in the Central Office Conference Room. 


Roll call:  Ayes – Stephanie Mazur, Craig Eiden, Jennifer Caryer, Galen Methvin, and Minda Jones.  Motion Carried 5-0.  Time 8:23 p.m.



_____________________________________    _____________________________________

                    Board President                                                      Treasurer


Hicksville Exempted Village Schools

Work Session Meeting of the Board of Education

December 4, 2019


The Hicksville Exempted Village Schools Board of Education met in work session on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the Central Office Conference Room.  The meeting was opened by President, Minda Jones, with the following Board members answering roll call:  Jennifer Caryer, Minda Jones, Craig Eiden, and Galen Methvin.  Stephanie Mazur arrived at 5:35 p.m.

A discussion was held on the following items, with no action being taken.

Stephanie Mazur departed at 7:10 p.m.

Jennifer Caryer moved and Craig Eiden seconded the motion to adjourn this meeting until the next regular board meeting to be held on Monday, December 16, 2019 at 

5:30 p.m. in the Community Room.   


Roll call:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Galen Methvin, and Minda Jones.  Motion Carried 4-0.  Time 7:43 p.m.



_____________________________________    _____________________________________

                      Board President                                                      Treasurer