JANUARY 8, 2018

 AT   5:50  P.M.



The Hicksville Exempted Village Board of Education met for their Organizational Meeting on Monday, January 8, 2018, at 5:50 p.m. in the Community Room.  The meeting was opened by President Pro-Tem Minda Jones.



Melissa Tope, Treasurer/C.F.O., swore in Jared Wonderly as a member of the Hicksville Board of Education.



Board Members Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly were all present.




Nominate President for 2018 – President Pro Tem presiding


Craig Eiden moved and Stephanie Mazur seconded to elect Minda Jones as President of the Hicksville School Board of Education for 2018.


** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly

Abstain – Minda Jones

Motion carried 4 to 0 with 1 abstention.


Elect Vice-President for 2018 – new President presiding


Craig Eiden moved and Stephanie Mazur seconded to elect Jennifer Caryer as Vice-President of the Hicksville School Board of Education for 2018.


** Vote:  Ayes – Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly

Abstain – Jennifer Caryer

Motion carried 4 to 0 with 1 abstention.


Appoint Legislative Liaison to OSBA for 2018


Craig Eiden moved and Stephanie Mazur seconded to appoint Jennifer Caryer as Legislative Liaison to OSBA for 2018.


** Vote:  Ayes – Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly

Abstain – Jennifer Caryer

Motion carried 4 to 0 with 1 abstention.








Appoint Student Achievement Liaison for 2018


Jennifer Caryer moved and Stephanie Mazur seconded to appoint Minda Jones as Legislative Liaison to OSBA for 2018.


** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly

Abstain – Minda Jones

Motion carried 4 to 0 with 1 abstention.



Appoint Athletic Council Representative for 2018


Jennifer Caryer moved and Jared Wonderly seconded to appoint Stephanie Mazur as Athletic Council Representative for 2018.


** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, and Jared Wonderly

Abstain – Stephanie Mazur

Motion carried 4 to 0 with 1 abstention.



Appoint Tax Incentive Review Committee Representative for 2018


Minda Jones moved Craig Eiden seconded to appoint Keith Countryman as Tax Incentive Review Committee Representative for 2018.


** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and

Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.



Appoint Four County Board of Education Representative from 2018 – 2020


Jennifer Caryer moved Jared Wonderly seconded to appoint Dennis Vetter as Four County Board of Education Representative for 2018 – 2020.


** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and

Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.



Establish regular meeting date, time, and place for 2018


Craig Eiden moved and Jennifer Caryer seconded by to establish the 2nd Monday of the month, in the Community Room, for the regular meeting date, time, and place for 2018.


February, March, April, May, June, July, August,

September, October, November, and December

at 6:00 p.m.


** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and                  Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.







Adoption of Standard Authorizations


Adoption of the following standing authorizations.


  1. Authorize Treasurer to secure advances from Auditor when

funds are available and payable to the school district.

  1. Authorize Treasurer to invest any inactive funds at the most

productive interest rate.

  1. Authorize Treasurer to pay all bills within the limits of the appropriation

resolution, and make appropriation modifications as needed.

  1. Authorize the Superintendent to employ such temporary personnel

as is needed for emergency situations.

  1. Authorize the Superintendent to serve as purchasing agent for

the school district.


Stephanie Mazur moved and Jared Wonderly seconded to adopt the standing authorizations.


** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and

Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.







Craig Eiden moved and Jared Wonderly seconded at 6:06 p.m. to adjourn this meeting until the next regular meeting to be held on Monday, January 8, 2018, at 6:07 p.m.


**Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and                   Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.




__________________________________          _________________________________

Board President                                                     Treasurer
























Regular Board Meeting

January 8, 2018

6:07 p.m. 


The Hicksville Exempted Village School Board of Education met in Regular Session on Monday, January 8, 2018, at 6:07 p.m. in the Community Room.  The meeting was opened by President Minda Jones with the Board members Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly present.




Technology Report:


Matt Hoffman, Assistant Technology Director, presented a video produced by former student, Travis Lysaght, promoting the new STEAM program at Hicksville Schools.


Principal Reports:


  • High School
  • Jeff Slattery, HS Principal, presented the following update:
    • 2nd Week of December “Real Money/Real World” interviews
    • 12/15/17 Band/Choir Concert
    • End of December Remediation tests for Seniors
    • 1/15/18 Teacher In-Service Day
    • Week of 1/15/18 Teacher Evaluations (2nd Round)


  • Congrats to Boys and Girls Basketball Teams for “49 Classic” 4-peat Champs


  • Middle School
  • Andy Hunter, MS Principal, provided the following update:
    • 12/15/17 Band/Choir Concert

6th Grade Camp

  • 1/4/18 Junior High Dance (127 student attended)
  • Week of 1/3/18 Gifted Testing
  • 1/12/18 End of 2nd Quarter
  • 1/12/18 Student of the Quarter Luncheon
  • 1/19/18 Swanton Visit
  • 1/23/18 Defiance County Spelling Bee
  • 2/8-2/11/18 2017 “Hicksville Shake” winners at RCA


  • Next year Defiance County will crown a champion that will attend RCA
  • Top Hicksville qualifier from the county competition will be crowned Hicksville’s winner.


  • Elementary School
  • Kirsten Coffman, Elementary Principal, provided the following update:
  • Fall 3rd Grade Testing Scores
  • Four (4) students did not pass, and will be utilizing Title services to assist their needs


Four County Career Center Report


No report

Superintendent’s Report  


Keith Countryman, Superintendent, provided the following update:

  • Finance Committee – He has been in communication with Ayersville regarding the organization of their Finance Committee.
  • Open House – District moved into current building 10 years ago this month.
    • Scheduling “Open House” second week of September 2018.
  • Closures – closed today (2nd time this year)
  • Problems with buses starting in the morning





Jennifer Caryer moved and Stephanie Mazur to approve the consent agenda as it reads.


** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and

Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.





Stephanie Mazur moved and Craig Eiden seconded to approve the following as stated.


  1. Minutes from the regular board meeting on December 11, 2017.


  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • Melissa Tope, Treasurer/CFO, presented her Treasurer’s update:
  • Medicaid Reimbursements are being held up due to issues at the State level
  • New Phone System financing
  • State Auditors are in the very early stages of their audit.
  • Cafeteria analysis


  1. Cash Reconciliation as of December 2017.
  2. Financial Statements for December 2017.



** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and

Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.





Jennifer Caryer moved and Stephanie Mazur seconded to approve the following as stated:


  • Recommend to approve Macy Weatherhead as a certified substitute for the 2017-2018 school year.


  • Recommend to approve a $650.00 stipend to A.J. Klausing for coordinating an upcoming 8th field trip to Washington, D.C.



** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and

Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.




Jared Wonderly moved and Craig Eiden seconded to approve the following as stated:


  • Recommend to appove Cindy Rosebrock as a classified substitute for the

2017-2018 school year.



** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and

Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.





Stephanie Mazur moved and Jennifer Caryer to approve the following as stated:


  • Recommend to approve an Auction Sale Agreement between Hicksville Exempted Village Schools and Bruce Gruilford Real Estate & Auctioneering for the following on April 7, 2018.


Part of Lot Number 267 and Part of Lot Number 278


  • Recommend to approve the revised R.C. 3313.845 Service Agreement for the 2017-2018 School Year between Hicksville Exempted Village Schools and Northwest Ohio Eductional Service Center (NwOESC), for therapy services.


  • Recommend to approve an intent to move forward with the construction of a solar field by Energy Oprimizers, USA.


  • Recommend to approve the annual OSBA membership dues from January 2018 – December 2018.


  • Recommend to approve the annual OSBA Briefcase electronic copy subscription.


  • Recommend to approve the annual School Management News electronic copy subscription.


  • Recommend to approve the OSBA Legal Assistance Fund (LAF), Consultant Service membership from January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018.


  • Recommend to approve the annual Virtual Transportation Supervisor subscription.



** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and                  Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.





Jared Wonderly moved and Jennifer Caryer seconded to approve the following as stated:


  • Recommend to approve the new or revised Board of Education Bylaws/Policies:


2271 – College Credit Plus Program

4120.05 – Employment of Substitute Educational Aides

5136 – Personal Communication Devices

5136.01 – Electronic Equipment

5200 – Attendance

5330 – Use of Medications

5530 – Drug Prevention

6233 – Amenities for Participants at Meetings and/or

Other Occasions

6680 – Recognition

7300 – Disposition of Real Property/Personal Property

7540.03 – Student Technology Acceptable Use and Safety

7540.04 – Staff Technology Acceptable Use and Safety

7540.05 – District-Issued Staff E-Mail Account

7540.06 – District-Issued Student E-Mail Account

8600.04 – Bus Driver Certification

9141 – Business Advisory Council



  • Recommend to approve a resolution stating that the board has approved the following annual events on which public funds are expended for meals, refreshments and amenities.


Christmas Gifts

End of School Year Luncheon

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Senior Citizens/Volunteer Appreciation Banquet

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

Teacher In-Service Workdays

Veteran’s Day Assembly


  • Recommend to approve the following community members to be on a newly formed Finance Committee.


John McCalla              Dennis Vetter


** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and

Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.



Craig Eiden moved and Jen Caryer seconded to approve the following as stated:


  • Recommend to approve the following community member to be on a newly formed Finance Committee.


Michal Mazur


** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and

Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.


  • Recommend to approve the following Board members to be on a newly formed Finance Committee.


Craig Eiden                       Jennifer Caryer


**Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and

Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.



  • Track Facility
    • Handicapped Accessible Restrooms
  • Cost to erect a new facility would be rather expensive
  • Currently using handicapped accessible port-a-johns


  • Railings
  • Check with Jeff Haught need to improve current railings
  • Jeff Slattery asked Board to look at neighboring District facility upgrades





Worksession following February 2018 Board meeting





Craig Eiden moved and Jared Wonderly seconded at 7:25 p.m. to hold an executive session beginning at 7:32 p.m. to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or issuing suspension, or termination of a license, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official licensee, or regulated individual unless the public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing.



** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and

Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.


The Board returned to Regular Session at 8:16 p.m.





Jennifer Caryer moved and Craig Eiden seconded to adjourn this meeting until the next board meeting to be held on Monday, February 12, 2018, at 6:00 p.m.


** Vote:  Ayes – Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and

Jared Wonderly

Motion carried 5 to 0.




_________________________________            __________________________________

Board President                                                     Treasurer