Sectional Semifinal Lady Aces 🏐 defeated Delta 3 -0 Aces will play Swanton at Tinora on Saturday, October 20, 2018 @ 11:00am
over 6 years ago, Mr. Slattery
over 6 years ago, Barron Neidhardt
Aces 🏈 with a victory over Tinora 22-7
over 6 years ago, Mr. Slattery
Aces 🏈 leads Tinora 14-7 7:20 4th Q
over 6 years ago, Mr. Slattery
Aces 🏈 vs Tinora Down 6-7 10:33 4th Q
over 6 years ago, Mr. Slattery
Aces 🏈 leads Tinora 6-0 End of 3
over 6 years ago, Mr. Slattery
Aces 🏈 leads Tinora 6-0 Halftime
over 6 years ago, Mr. Slattery
Ms. Rees' Science 7 classes were back outside today to test for phosphate, nitrate, and suspended sediment in our schoolyard water. Thank you once again to the Defiance SWCD for helping us out. We learned a lot!
over 6 years ago, Emily Rees
Testing for phosphate.
Testing for phosphate.
Determining the amount of suspended sediment.
Here are our ACES shout-outs for this week: Thursday, October 11 Mrs. Welling would like to give shout-out to Summer Schooley for turning in cash that she found in the hallway. Thank you for being a great Ace, Summer. Mr. Rosebrock has the following shout-outs for this week: *A shout-out to Ms. Rees and the 5-8 student council for helping out with concessions at the volleyball game, and a special shout-out to the students who stayed well past the time they were scheduled to help clean up. Thank you!! *A shout-out to Mrs. Chamberlain for helping us get set up before the game when we weren’t sure what to do. *A shout-out to Mr. Gahagan for giving up his evening to help the student council run the concession stand. Thank you! Numerous people would like to give a shout-out to Mr. Perna for providing free coffee and hot chocolate to our Hicksville staff. You Rock Mr. Perna!! Thank you, you made MANY people’s day today. Mr. Hunter would like to give a shout-out to Tori Rafferty for stepping up and helping him and Mr. Slattery lift a grill into the back of a truck. Thanks Tori!!! Mrs. Liddell would like to give a shout-out to her first period Spanish II class for making the start of her day a good one!!! Mrs. Pierman would like to give a shout-out to The Cookers for going the extra mile in making the staff meal tonight!! Thank you!!! Mrs. Pierman would also like to give shout-outs to Mr. Shaffer and Mr. Hoffman for saving her from her computer issue last week. Your help was greatly appreciated! Ms. Rees has the following shout-outs for this week: *A shout-out to Paul Overmyer for generously taking off his jacket so a seventh grader could wear it outside for today’s water quality testing. Thank you!! *A shout-out to the Defiance SWCD for spending the last two days here helping us study the quality of our schoolyard water. The students had a great time!! Miss Nye would like to give a shout-out to Mrs. Finzer for bringing her a delicious coffee today from Amanda Lee’s coffee!! Thank you!! Mr. Freese has the following shout-outs for this week: *A shout-out to Barron Neidhardt for volunteering to help with Mr. Countryman’s weekly video announcements. *A shout-out to Beth Booker for her exemplary efforts in class. *A shout-out to Mallory Sarchet for her exemplary work in Video Productions putting together career/STEP videos! Mrs. Brown would like to give a shout-out to Mr. Ferrell and his students for working on cleaning up the garden! She would also like to give a shout-out to Damien Asher for helping her in her kindergarten classroom! Mrs. Chamberlain would like to give a shout-out to community members Justin Kuhn, Jim Schmidt, Jodi Bland and Caleb Savage for helping out with our Career Videos for our STEP program. Your willingness to participate and help educate our kids about different careers and career paths is much appreciated!!!
over 6 years ago, Robin Chamberlain
Attention Hicksville High Senior Parents - Please check with your senior to make sure they had a LifeTouch Senior Photo taken at HHS. These are the only photos used for the composite picture at graduation. Picture retakes will take place on 10/22/18 from 7:15am - 11:00am.
over 6 years ago, Mr. Slattery
Students in Ms. Rees' Science 7 class evaluated macro-invertebrates in our schoolyard stream to determine water quality. Thank you to the Defiance SWCD for helping us with today's lesson!
over 6 years ago, Emily Rees
Students work to evaluate water quality using macro-invertebrates.
Students work to evaluate water quality using macro-invertebrates.
A Science 7 student helps to collect the water sample using a kick-net.
Students work to evaluate water quality using macro-invertebrates.
Parent-Teacher conferences are Wednesday and Thursday this week. Parents of students in grades 7-12 can schedule a time to talk with their student's teachers by going to Follow the instructions to make an appointment.
over 6 years ago, Mr. Shaffer
It's Book Fair week! The Book Fair will be open for business in the library Tuesday through Thursday during the school day as well as throughout Parent-Teacher Conferences on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Hoffman
Picture from the 2017-18 HEVS Book Fair.
Hicksville schools closed. Repeating Hicksville schools closed for the day.
over 6 years ago, Keith Countryman
Hicksville schools is on a two hour delay Repeating. Hicksville schools is on a two hour delay today.
over 6 years ago, Keith Countryman
Aces 🏈 beat Fairview 32-29 Great game Aces!!!
over 6 years ago, Mr. Slattery
ACES shout-outs for the week: Rebecca Foss would like to give a shout-out to Mr. Slattery for opening her car door for her one day this week. Thank you, Mr. Slattery! Mr. Countryman would like to give a shout-out to those students who ride the activity bus. Thanks for being patient and flexible each day, and most of all, thanks for choosing good behaviors as you wait for the bus. Keep up the great work!!! Mrs. Chamberlain would like to give a shout-out to Harold Johnson for acting quickly and getting help for a student during lunch. She would also like to give a shout-out to Mr. Ferrell for his help with that student. Thank you both!!!! Mrs. Hoffman would like to give a shout-out to Mrs. Amber Zachrich’s Algebra 1 classes for sharing their apple and pumpkin story problems with the LMC. Thank you for helping us decorate the library for fall. They look great! Señora Liddell would like to give the following shout-outs this week: *Shout-outs to Parker Thiel, Dylan Early, and Dylan Meek. She loves having you in class and appreciates your effort. You three are always respectful and attentive and she appreciates it. *A shout-out to Katie Chapman for always being so enthusiastic in class. She loves it!!! *A shout-out to Frau Geiger and Tara Welling for always being willing to help and being a good friend. Mrs. Husted would like to give a shout-out to Mackenzie Miller for helping them move some heavy tables that were needed for the library book sale last night. We appreciate your hard work and willing attitude. Mr. Davis would like to give a shout-out to Ethan Coplin for teaching about Calvin and the Protestant Reformation to his AP Europe class. He would also like to give a shout-out to Mrs. Leon for allowing Ethan to miss her class to teach his. Mr. Kohlmeier would like to give a shout-out to the Middle School and High School Bands for and outstanding rehearsal last night, and preparing a great performance for tonight’s game! Good Luck tonight!! Go Aces Band! Mrs. Chamberlain would like to give a shout-out to Logan Potter and Rylen Bassett for showing our Hicksville Essentials in action and greeting visitors in our building today. Great job, boys!!! Mrs. Chamberlain would also like to give a shout-out to Hadyn Farrar. Thank you for helping her move tables and chairs in the cafeteria during lunch today. Misty White would like to give shout-outs to Keyon’Dre Cooper and Dawson Keeley for helping her pick up trash in the commons after first grade lunch today. Thank you!! Mrs. Leon has the following shout-outs for this week: *A shout-out to Landon Turnbull and Boston Hootman for carrying in Mrs. Leon’s groceries. Your help was greatly appreciated. *A shout-out to Raegen Neidhardt for giving up her study hall to help her in her classroom. You rock!! Thank you!! Mr. Gaghan has the following shout-outs for this week: *A shout-out to the 142 students and community members who have started following @aces_k-12 on instagram this week! Thank you for supporting this new way of providing house point challenges and having special Hicksville Initiative announcements!! *A shout-out to Mrs. Siebenaler and Mr. Olsen for helping out with a house joint challenge tonight at the football game. We appreciate your willingness to help! Mr. Stevenson has the following shout-outs for this week: *A shout-out to Mrs. Geiger and her husband for helping him out this morning when he locked his keys in his car (whoops). You both really helped him out today and he so appreciates it. *A shout-out to Alissa Thompson for always being so positive and respectful in his classes. Your kindness and positivity are infectious and it is really appreciated! Mr. Olsen would like to give a shout-out to the Cast of Elf. They have blocked the first half of the show and things are starting to look and sound good! Keep up the hard work!! Great job this week ACES!! Keep making a difference.
over 6 years ago, Robin Chamberlain
Attention high school DRAMA CLUB! Attend our informational meeting on October 25! We are so excited for Beauty and the Beast auditions!
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Gerken
Informational Meeting/Audition Info!
Students in Ms. Rees' Science 7 classes had the opportunity to explore watersheds using a virtual sandbox provided by the Defiance County Soil and Water Conservation District. Thank you to Mr. Roehrig for spending the day with our students!
over 6 years ago, Emily Rees
Science 7 students interacting with Mr. Roehrig and the virtual sandbox.
A landform created in the virtual sandbox.  Virtual water flows over the landscape!
Science 7 students explore how to make virtual rain while using the sandbox.
Science 7 students discuss the boundary of the watershed they created in the virtual sandbox.
The freshmen girls volleyball game for Monday, October 1st has been canceled. The JV game will begin at 5:30pm followed by the Varsity game @ Paulding High School.
over 6 years ago, Mr. Slattery